We did a dissection on fetal pigs on Wednesday and Thursday. Here is a record of what we did and what we found out in the lab.
Wednesday was our first day to dissect the pig. Honestly speaking, it was my first time to dissect an animal, and it was even more interesting than I imagined. As an non-experienced dissector, I felt lucky and glad to learn the anatomy and gain both the knowledge and practical experience at the same time.
Our group got the smallest pig, but it wasn't lack of anything. Here is the overview of our result in the first day.
After we got our pig, the first thing to do was to examine its gender. Because there was a urogenital opening at the lower body, we believed it was a female, which was proved by the two ovaries we found.
ovary |
After cutting the lower body open, we first isolated the liver in the middle.
liver |
Then we got the small and large intestine, spleen and stomach.
small and large intestine |
stomach |
spleen |
We isolated the two kidneys from deeper at the two sides of top of the intestine. They were cut both cut into half accidentally, and we saw the difference between medulla and cortex.
kidney |
On the second day, Thursday, we began to dissect the upper body , including the brain, of the same pig.
When we open the upper body, we saw the heart was surrounded by the two lungs at back.
heart |
lungs(shaped like to embrace the heart) |
Then we got to work on the brain. To get the brain out, we needed first to open the very hard skull which had the job to protect the brain inside. We tried to cut from the top middle side of the skull carefully, but it was difficult to control the intensity to ensure the skull can be widely opened and the brain was not injured at the same time.
At last, we just got the mushy brain like this(probably because our pig is immature).
brain |
There is the brain from the group which successfully got the one.
what the brain should look like |
Finally, we also get one eyeball out. It was a tiny round ball in front of the brain.
This experience of dissection is fun, unique and also informative for me. By dissecting the body of fetal pig, I practically see what the organs look like and where they are. I think this is more meaningful because the organs in pig are quite similar to human.